
Tide is a minimal and pragmatic Rust web application framework built for rapid development. It comes with a robust set of features that make building async web applications and APIs easier and more fun.

This Tide-book is still a work in progress, and will be expanded on over time.

All examples in the text are available as working Tide-projects

Example applications:

  • tide-async-graphql-mongodb
    • Clean boilerplate for graphql services using tide, rhai, async-graphql, surf, graphql-client, handlebars-rust, jsonwebtoken, and mongodb.
    • Graphql Services: User register, Salt and hash a password with PBKDF2 , Sign in, JSON web token authentication, Change password, Profile Update, User’s query & mutation, and Project’s query & mutation.
    • Web Application: Client request, bring & parse GraphQL data, Render data to template engine(handlebars-rust), Define custom helper with Rhai scripting language.
  • surfer
    • The Blog built on Tide stack, generated from tide-async-graphql-mongodb.
    • Backend for graphql services using tide, async-graphql, jsonwebtoken, mongodb and so on.
    • Frontend for web application using tide, rhai, surf, graphql_client, handlebars-rust, cookie and so on.